America's Godly Heritage
Real history, no woke agendas. God has a plan and a purpose for America.
This is the history the Left doesn't want you to know! History based on facts and primary sources, not warped and biased beliefs. History that shows a firm foundation, not sinking sand. History that gives us a future and a hope. Let us learn from our history - both the good and the bad - so that we can make better decisions for today and tomorrow.
America's Godly Heritage
The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 9 Part 1 (Apollyon)
After the mountaintop high of his stay at House Beautiful, Christian descends into the Valley of Humiliation. There, he is confronted by Apollyon. Like the devil in Matthew 4, Apollyon tries to use words to manipulate Christian into returning to the City of Destruction. When that doesn't work, the gloves come off and the battle begins.