America's Godly Heritage
Real history, no woke agendas. God has a plan and a purpose for America.
This is the history the Left doesn't want you to know! History based on facts and primary sources, not warped and biased beliefs. History that shows a firm foundation, not sinking sand. History that gives us a future and a hope. Let us learn from our history - both the good and the bad - so that we can make better decisions for today and tomorrow.
America's Godly Heritage
The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 11 (Meeting Talkative)
Christian and Faithful continue on their path to the Celestial City. They meet Talkative, who seems to be a fellow believer, but upon closer inspection he is found to be wanting in his beliefs and actions. After Talkative leaves them, they meet Evangelist. Evangelist tells them he is proud of them for persevering on their journey, but for one of them, the journey is about to end.