America's Godly Heritage
Real history, no woke agendas. God has a plan and a purpose for America.
This is the history the Left doesn't want you to know! History based on facts and primary sources, not warped and biased beliefs. History that shows a firm foundation, not sinking sand. History that gives us a future and a hope. Let us learn from our history - both the good and the bad - so that we can make better decisions for today and tomorrow.
America's Godly Heritage
Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1907 (Massachusetts)
Celebrate Thanksgiving by hearing Massachusetts Governor Curtis Guild Jr.'s Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1907. Guild encourages us individually to spend time with our loved ones and corporately to be grateful for our blessings and to use them to help others. He reminds us of the example of the Pilgrims, who kept their eyes on God, trusting Him to bring good out of their difficult trials. Let us, too, remember to keep our eyes on Him and to be thankful to the Lord our Provider.