America's Godly Heritage
Real history, no woke agendas. God has a plan and a purpose for America.
This is the history the Left doesn't want you to know! History based on facts and primary sources, not warped and biased beliefs. History that shows a firm foundation, not sinking sand. History that gives us a future and a hope. Let us learn from our history - both the good and the bad - so that we can make better decisions for today and tomorrow.
America's Godly Heritage
The First Great Awakening Part 3 - Evangelizing Here, There, and Everywhere
Learn how God worked through Jonathan Edwards, who was a world-class theologist involved from the early days of revival; through William Tennent, who founded a college for ministers; through Gilbert Tennent, who preached that ministers needed to be saved (really, he did!); through Samuel Davies, who influenced Patrick Henry, made the colonists aware of God's hand on George Washington, and evangelized to the Cherokees and slaves; and David Brainerd, who evangelized to the Native Americans.